
In a surprising twist, Kati Kattanek stumbled upon the world of art just a few years ago. It was an unexpected turn after leaving her job in veterinary care. She found herself drawn to the world of creativity, seeking something to fill her heart and mind.

It started with a class in photo-encaustic, where she fell in love with the warm smells and the feeling of working with wax. Layer by layer, she explored this new medium. Then, she discovered printmaking techniques from monoprinting to photogravure.

These images soon became part of her encaustic work. Recently, she ventured into acrylic painting, where she enjoys painting big and creating layers filled with energy.

This wasn’t the first substantial change in Kati's life. At 36, she left her home and teaching career in Germany with her then-husband. They traveled the world, searching for a new place to call home. After considering Australia and New Zealand, they settled on the beautiful California coast.

Kati's talent has been recognized in the juried Santa Cruz Open Studios Art Tour for five consecutive years. Her work is found in local galleries. She learned her craft at Cabrillo College and Monterey Peninsula College, and studied under master artists.

Kati resides in Santa Cruz County with her dog, Pippin, where she finds inspiration in the rich tapestry of the California coast's landscapes. She shares her passion for creativity with young minds by teaching in a summer nature and arts program and with adults teaching cold wax and gel printing practices.

What excites Kati most about her new artistic journey is the endless possibilities that lie ahead. She sees each day as a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with color and imagination.
